How To Make Your Loved One As Comfortable As Possible During Their Last Days

Posted on: 29 November 2022

When your loved one has reached the end of their time, you want them to transition as peacefully as possible. While challenging, someone needs to step up to make decisions and arrange the loved one's final resting place. Most patients prefer to drift away in the comfort of their own homes, but there are still things you can do to make their time better. Follow these 4 tips on how to make your loved one as comfortable as possible during their last days. 

1. Respect Their Wishes 

Every person has the right to choose how they pass. Caretakers must remember to put their loved one's wishes above their own. If the person left a will or has the ability to vocalize their wishes, follow them exactly. Alternatively, make decisions in the way you think they would.

2. Get Help For Yourself 

Watching someone transition takes a toll on the psyche, and the stress can manifest itself in ways that hinder the loved one's experience. You need to be calm and present. In order to do that, accept help from friends and family. Alternatively, look into mental health services designed for caretakers. A therapist can give you a safe place to express yourself and help you make challenging decisions in a private way that doesn't cause stress to your loved one.

3. Add Personal Touches 

Surprise your loved one by adding plenty of personal touches to their room. For example, you can decorate the room with pictures. You can also bring all of your picture albums to go through them one last time. You can bring your loved one's favorite treats, music, and movies too. Get everyone in the family involved to show the loved one just how many people they touched in life.

4. Get Professional End-of-Life Care

Get help during this process through professional end-of-life doula support services. End-of-life care will bring someone to your home to handle the medical aspects of your loved one's transition. Many doula support services provide pain management medications to keep the person comfortable. They can also stay with your loved one when you can't be there. In the case of an emergency, the doula can contact you so that you can be there in the final minutes. 

Death is a part of life. While challenging, this is the time for you to step up for your loved one. These tips can help you prioritize your loved one's experience. 

Contact a local end-of-life care service to learn more. 
